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Fragrant milk just like silk.

不过该产品的英文广告语是My Moment, My Dove。见他们的网站:

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急 求 翻译!关于巧克力的英文介绍!谢谢大家了!

Most people like to eat chocolate, especially girls. Also a variety of reasons like chocolate, and chocolate on behalf of a romantic, caring, love and happiness! In the romantic Valentine's Day, chocolate is not the lack of the main characters. Early origins of chocolate began in Mexico, chocolate is a liquid early, that belong to the court to drink. The initial taste is bitter chocolate and spicy. Around the 16th century, the Spanish make up sweet chocolate, cocoa powder and spices they mix in the juice, to become a sweet drink. Peter was named the Swiss ingenuity which has mixed in some milk, this completed the whole process of the modern chocolate making.

Divided into three basic types of chocolate: dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate.

Little dark chocolate milk ingredients, sugar content is very low, slightly bitter taste. Is a crowd favorite tasting chocolate flavor.

White chocolate does not contain cocoa powder, cocoa butter and milk only, so is white, due to the higher sugar content, so the taste will be sweet white chocolate.

Milk chocolate brown, taste very good, very popular. Relative to the dark chocolate, milk chocolate taste even more light, more sweet.

Chocolate is also beneficial to heart health is not only delicious, but also can ease our emotions. Scientific and rational consumption of chocolate will give our lives to bring happiness, happiness!

Some people say chocolate is sweet, it was said chocolate is bitter, some said she was happy, some people say she is sharing the spirit of chocolate brings experience has exceeded the value as a food. Chocolate passion would like to be always with you with love, family, and friends to share every moment of happiness




chocolate stands for love .so buy some for your girl friend. hope your love will lone standing.


you never know the flavoe until you taste it by is full of imagination!


可以翻译成Fragrant milk just like silk.不过该产品的英文广告语是My Moment, My Dove。



2. 心随心动,愉悦丝滑,愉悦随时随地享受心随带来的`随时随地的愉悦。 

3. 闭上眼睛,DOVE能给你带来的美妙感受,它细腻的质感给人的喜悦和甜蜜。

4. 外形整齐,表面光亮、平滑,断面均匀,无气泡——好的巧克力选德芙。 

5. DOVE给人的感觉是入口即化,巧克力溶化后在舌头上的感觉就像丝绸一样滑爽,香浓可口。

6. 德芙巧克力——得到你是我一生的幸福。

7. 带给消费者全新的口感体验——德芙巧克力。

8. 沉醉在爱情的恋人们,DOVE巧克力让爱人执手相握。 

9. 纯正、幼滑、易融的口感。



德芙,是世界最大宠物食品和休闲食品制造商美国跨国食品公司玛氏公司在中国推出的系列产品,1989年进入中国。德芙=DOVE,D=DO,O=YOU,V=LOVE,E=ME;连起来是DO YOU LOVE ME,所以德芙巧克力的含义就是“你爱我吗”,送一个人德芙巧克力,是一种示爱的委婉表示。dove的中文是鸽子,指和平的含义。中文德芙谐音“得福”是得到幸福的意思。



Chocolate is a psychoactive food. It is made from the seeds of the tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao. The cacao tree was named by the 17th century Swedish naturalist, Linnaeus. The Greek term theobroma means literally "food of the gods". Chocolate has also been called the food of the devil; but the theological basis of this claim is obscure.

Cacao beans were used by the Aztecs to prepare a hot, frothy beverage with stimulant and restorative properties. Chocolate itself was reserved for warriors, nobility and priests. The Aztecs esteemed its reputed ability to confer wisdom and vitality. Taken fermented as a drink, chocolate was also used in religious ceremonies. The sacred concoction was associated with Xochiquetzal, the goddess of fertility. Emperor Montezuma allegedly drank 50 goblets a day. Aztec taxation was levied in cacao beans. 100 cacao beans could buy a slave. 12 cacao beans bought the services of courtesan.

The celebrated Italian libertine Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) took chocolate before bedding his conquests on account of chocolate's reputation as a subtle aphrodisiac. More recently, a study of 8000 male Harvard graduates showed that chocoholics lived longer than abstainers. Their longevity may be explained by the high polyphenol levels in chocolate. Polyphenols reduce the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins and thereby protect against heart disease. Such theories are still speculative.

Placebo-controlled trials suggest chocolate consumption may subtly enhance cognitive performance. As reported by Dr Bryan Raudenbush (2006), scores for verbal and visual memory are raised by eating chocolate. Impulse-control and reaction-time are also improved. This study needs replicating.

A "symposium" at the 2007 American Association for the Advancement of Science - hyped as a potentially "mind-altering experience" - presented evidence that chocolate consumption can be good for the brain. Experiments with chocolate-fed mice suggest that flavanol-rich cocoa stimulates neurovascular activity, enhancing memory and alertness. This research was partly funded by Mars, Inc.

Coincidentally or otherwise, many of the worlds oldest supercentenarians, e.g. Jeanne Calment (1875-1997) and Sarah Knauss (1880-1999), were passionately fond of chocolate. Jeanne Calment habitually ate two pounds of chocolate per week until her physician induced her to give up sweets at the age of 119 - three years before her death aged 122. Life-extensionists are best advised to eat dark chocolate rather than the kinds of calorie-rich confectionery popular in America.

In the UK, chocolate bars laced with cannabis are popular with many victims of multiple sclerosis. This brand of psychoactive confectionery remains unlicensed.

Chocolate as we know it today dates to the inspired addition of triglyceride cocoa butter by Swiss confectioner Rodolphe Lindt in 1879. The advantage of cocoa butter is that its addition to chocolate sets a bar so that it will readily snap and then melt on the tongue. Cocoa butter begins to soften at around 75 F; it melts at around 97 F.

Today, chocolates of every description are legal, unscheduled and readily available over the counter. Some 50% of women reportedly claim to prefer chocolate to sex, though this response may depend on the attributes of the interviewer.

In 2007, a UK study suggested that eating dark chocolate was more rewarding than passionate kissing. More research is needed to replicate this result.

More than 300 different constituent compounds in chocolate have been identified. Chocolate clearly delivers far more than a brief sugar high. Yet its cocktail of psychochemical effects in the central nervous system are poorly understood. So how does it work?

CHOCOLATE : the Psychoactive Cocktail

Chocolate contains small quantities of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid found in the brain. Sceptics claim one would need to consume several pounds of chocolate to gain any very noticeable psychoactive effects; and eat a lot more to get fully stoned. Yet it's worth noting that N-oleolethanolamine and N-linoleoylethanolamine, two structural cousins of anandamide present in chocolate, both inhibit the metabolism of anandamide. It has been speculated that they promote and prolong the feeling of well-being induced by anandamide.

Chocolate contains caffeine. But the caffeine is present only in modest quantities. It is easily obtained from other sources. Indeed a whole ounce of milk chocolate contains no more caffeine than a typical cup of "decaffeinated" coffee.

Chocolate's theobromine content may contribute to - but seems unlikely to determine - its subtle but distinctive psychoactive profile. Surprisingly, perhaps, recent research suggests that pure theobromine may be superior to opiates as a cough medicine due to its action on the vagus nerve.

Chocolate also contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. It is the rate-limiting step in the production of the mood-modulating neurotransmitter serotonin. Enhanced serotonin function typically diminishes anxiety. Yet tryptophan can normally be obtained from other sources as well; and only an unusually low-protein, high-carbohydrate meal will significantly increase its rate of intake into the brain.

Like other palatable sweet foods, consumption of chocolate triggers the release of endorphins, the body's endogenous opiates. Enhanced endorphin-release reduces the chocolate-eater's sensitivity to pain. Endorphins probably contribute to the warm inner glow induced in susceptible chocoholics.

Acute monthly cravings for chocolate amongst pre-menstrual women may be partly explained by its rich magnesium content. Magnesium deficiency exacerbates PMT. Before menstruation, too, levels of the hormone progesterone are high. Progesterone promotes fat storage, preventing its use as fuel; elevated pre-menstrual levels of progesterone may cause a periodic craving for fatty foods. One study reported that 91% of chocolate-cravings associated with the menstrual cycle occurred between ovulation and the start of menstruation. Chocolate cravings are admitted by 15% of men and around 40% of women. Cravings are usually most intense in the late afternoon and early evening.

Cacao and chocolate bars contain a group of neuroactive alkaloids known as tetrahydro-beta-carbolines. Tetrahydro-beta-carbolines are also found in beer, wine and liquor; they have been linked to alcoholism. But the possible role of these chemicals in chocolate addiction remains unclear.

One UK study of the human electroencephalographic (EEG) response to chocolate suggests that the odour of chocolate significantly reduces theta activity in the brain. Reduced theta activity is associated with enhanced relaxation. This study needs replication.

Perhaps chocolate's key ingredient is its phenylethylamine (PEA) "love-chemical". Yet the role of the "chocolate amphetamine" is disputed. Most if not all chocolate-derived phenylethylamine is metabolised before it reaches the CNS. Some people may be sensitive to its effects in very small quantities.

Phenylethylamine is itself a naturally occurring trace amine in the brain. Phenylethylamine releases dopamine in the mesolimbic pleasure-centres; it peaks during orgasm. Taken in unnaturally high doses, phenylethylamine can produce stereotyped behaviour more prominently even than amphetamine. Phenylethylamine has distinct binding sites but no specific neurons. It helps mediate feelings of attraction, excitement, giddiness, apprehension and euphoria; but confusingly, phenylethylamine has also been described as an endogenous anxiogen. One of its metabolites is unusually high in subjects with paranoid schizophrenia.

There is even a phenylethylamine theory of depression. Monoamine oxidase type-b has been described as phenylethylaminase; and taking a selective MAO-b inhibitor, such as selegiline (l-deprenyl, Eldepryl) or rasagiline (Azilect) can accentuate chocolate's effects. Some subjects report that bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) reduces their chocolate-cravings; but other chocoholics dispute this.



巧克力是一个外来词Chocolate的译音,它主原料是可可豆(像椰子般的果实,在树干上会开花结果),它的起源甚早,始于墨西哥极盛一时的阿斯帝卡王朝最后一任皇帝孟特儒 (Montezuma),当时是崇拜巧克力的社会,喜欢以辣椒、番椒、香草豆和香料添加在饮料中,打起泡沫,并以黄金杯子每天喝50CC,是属于宫廷成员的饮料,它的学名Theobroma有「众神的饮料」之意,被视为贵重的强心、利尿的药剂,它对胃液中的蛋白质分解酵素具有活化性的作用,可帮助消化。

最早出现的巧克力,起源于墨西哥地区古代印第安人的一种含可可粉的食物,它的味道苦而辣。1526年,西班牙探险家科尔特斯带回西班牙,献给当时的国王,使欧洲人视它为迷药,掀起一股狂潮。后来大约在16世纪,西班牙人让巧克力“甜”起来,他们将可可粉及香料拌和在蔗汁中,成了香甜饮料。到了1876年,一位名叫彼得的瑞士人别出心裁,在上述饮料中再掺入一些牛奶,这才完成了现代巧克力创制的全过程。不久之后,有人想到,将液体巧克力加以脱水浓缩成一块块便于携带和保存的巧克力糖。1828年,由荷兰的凡苛添(Van Houten)想到将其脂肪除去2/3,做成容易饮用的可可亚。19世纪末时,瑞士的D.M比德,发明在巧克力中加入牛奶,味道更好,就是今日巧克力的雏形了。





























求一份关于巧克力的英文广告 差不多一分钟吧 急急急!!!

Taste its strong atmosphere of milk,just like silk fly around you




1:德芙巧克力 发现新德芙更多丝滑感受更多愉悦惊喜

2:德芙巧克力 心随心动 愉悦丝滑 愉悦随时随地 享受心随带来的随时随地的愉悦

3:金帝巧克力 至浓至醇 至爱金帝 金帝巧克力

4:吉莉莲 珍爱自己,从吉莉莲开始!

5:怡浓巧克力 怡浓情更浓

6:慕纱巧克力 此刻意乱情迷 刹那水乳交融

7:吉百利巧克力 爱上与众不同的你

8:费列罗金莎巧克力 费列罗金莎巧克力满心满足

9:徐福记 好设备好材料 产品自然好

10:金帝巧克力 送给最爱的人

11:德芙巧克力 得到你是我一生的幸福

12:明治巧克力 像雪一样融化

13:申丰巧克力 给你一把申丰巧克力,给大家尝一尝,让我们甜甜蜜蜜,生活变得更快乐

14:金莎巧克力 凡人不可抗拒







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